Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday 05.30.11 Day Four.

This morning Zane was back to normal; 8am calling "Karaaaaa come quick! Karaaa!!!!!" so I could type his login and password for his computer program.

I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, but Jude wanted cereal & Zane wanted yogurt. What?? So Stefen & I had to eat them all=)

Since I was off for Memorial day, we were gonna go to the pool again. I told the boys to get ready as usual. Zane didn't want to brush his teeth again and said he was only going to use water. Jude went in the bathroom with him and they came out a few minutes later and Zane said, Kara, you know what Jude did with the spicy toothpaste? He only puts a little bit on his toothbrush, so that's what I'm gonna do." I still can't believe how great of a big brother Jude has been.

Amber came to the pool with us and played lots of games with the boys while Stefen & I lied out=)
We stayed out the pool till everyone was really hungry, then headed back to the apartment for lunch. Luke came over not long after with a movie (Rango) and ice cream.
Jude has been trying to swim better, and Zane has been trying to hold his breath under water. He puts his mouth under but is still scared to put his nose under.

We headed over to Nana & Papa's house around 6 for dinner. Zane passed out around 7:30/8pm on the living room floor and slept through the night.

Jude asks every day who will be watching them the next day, and the next day, and the next.. After I went through about two weeks he said, "I like when you & Stefen watch us because you have us for three days,"

Jude was really happy because Nana said Chay could come over tomorrow (Tuesday)!

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