Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday 05.29.11 Day Three.

I forgot to post on yesterday's... Last night, at 9:50, I told them they had to go to bed in ten minutes, so Zane kept playing his DS, and Jude came and sat on the couch with me & Stefen. He was asking who he would be with tomorrow and if we could watch them and stay with them. Then he asked what we were going to do. He wanted to plan out the whole day so he was naming off what we could do; go to church, the pool, play LBP, etc etc etc. then we stopped talking and he was just sitting there smiling, Stefen asked what he was doing and he just laughed and kept smiling. He was just happy and daydreaming I guess haha.

Church time.. I picked out the boys clothes and put them on their dresser the night before. So Sunday morning I told them to get dressed, and it wasn't until a few minutes before we had to leave that I noticed Zane had changed his clothes, but it wasn't the outfit I picked out! A white t-shirt and what looked like pajama shorts. So Stefen carried him into his sissy's bed (sorry Sissy, it was a nice clean bed=), tickled him, while I changed his clothes. I put jean shorts and a button up shirt over the tee. He started laughing because he still had on the same shirt he put on himself. What he didn't realize is that I already picked out the white shirt for him to wear under his button up=)

We were only about 25 minutes late! Hah. When we got to church a friend said "everyone was worried you guys weren't coming (since Stefen plays guitar), but I told them you have two kids now!"

I found these pictures of Jude on my phone while I was uploading other ones haha.

Jude has constantly been practicing his drum beat that Luke taught him. All during worship he kept banging on the chairs and then was using the pens as drum sticks.

After church we went back to their house and packed up some clothes so they can stay at our house (their request).
For lunch I made them turkey and cheese sandwiches on pita bread. Zane said he didn't like turkey and all he wanted was cinnamon and sugar on bread, but I didn't want them to waste it so I said he couldn't play LBP until he ate it all, and then he could have cinnamon on bread for his next lunch. He took a bite and said, "I actually like the turkey on here!" and he finished it, even if it was just so he could play=)
While they were playing, Stefen was talking to Zane about how many gold stars he has (somewhere around 553 hah), and he said, "that's why Kara married me, because she found out how many gold stars I have!" And Zane said, you know who I'm going to marry? My mom!"

Jude got to talk to Chay for a couple hours. Not sure why or how they ended up on the side of my bed, but they stayed there for hours!

So far Jude & Zane have traded their games (well Jude said he'd give Zane his Mario game so he can have the new one we ordered), and both of their stylus pens that came with their DS's.
Their DS's also have some built in games. One of them is called a "brain age check" that has different tests; math, writing, memory, etc. So they've been working on those. Zane has the brain of an 80 yr. old and Jude has the brain of a 55 yr. old. The "best brain age" is 20. So they have some work to do=)

I showed Jude all the pictures Lindy posted on her blog. He said "whoa!" to almost every one. He said "it looks like a big city, like England!" His favorites were the fireworks and looking out of the plane.

We were watching a movie and Luke asked Zane if he knew what animal was on the tv, Zane said an elephant and Luke said, "wow you're smart". Zane said, "yeah I know what it is because of it's big horn".

Zane had a couple incidents last night.. I think they stayed up way too late, so by the time I asked him to brush his teeth he was "really really tired" and couldn't get up. I took him in the bathroom to help him, but he noticed I didn't bring his toothpaste. He had three to choose from and when he tasted the one he picked (that he was ok with using because I told him it was Sissy's that she left here) he started balling.
And then in the middle of the night he came into our room and climbed up on Stefen's side of the bed, he never cried though, just got in bed and fell asleep.

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