Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday 05.28.11 Day Two.

Stefen made pancakes for breakfast, then we packed up the boys clothes and headed to our apartment to go swimming. At first Zane wanted to stay in the apartment to play LBP, he said he was just a "game room guy", but we eventually all went to the pool.

We were riding in the car and I wanted to take a pic. of the boys in the back seat so I told them to look at the camera, Zane kept playing his game but I took the picture anyway. I heard Jude talking quietly to Zane and he said, "Zane, mommy said when someone talks to us we have to stop playing our game and look at them, so you need to look at Kara so she can take a picture." Then Jude said to me, "Kara, Zane is ready to take a picture now". I thought it would be hard not having Genesis here as the older sister, but Jude has been a great big brother!

Around 6:30 we went to a friends house who was having a Memorial Weekend party. The pictures pretty much explain everything they did there! Around 9:00 Zane started dancing crazy and acting weird, I told Stefen I thought it was time for them to go to bed and Zane said "yeahhh I want to go to bed!" so we headed back to Guy & Lindy's house.

After the boys took baths and brushed their teeth we tucked them into bed. They asked if we could all sleep in their mom & dad's bed again but we told them they could take turns sleeping in there every other night, so they were fine sleeping in their own bed. We didn't read the book to them just in case they were sad sleeping alone, I think we'll read it when they can sleep with us.

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